" There now follows a party political broadcast from the UK HNIC* Party "

People of Britain (and shortly the world once the rhythms of our mind control program hit the airwaves) We invite you to put down your voting cards, boycott the polling stations and question everything you have ever placed your trust in. Our country is in economic turmoil, our political system utterly disgraced, and people are still being told that you should never put the milk in with the teabag! But sure as day follows night, in the midst of darkness anyone can shine a light. For ears deafened by the drone of meaningless pop, a new voice will arise to bless the beat and the drop

There is only one candidate whose lyrical skills are far more outrageous than any MP’s expenses. One man whose musical truth will regain the nation’s trust. One man whose voice can connect with the people who really matter to this country.

That man is Jimmy Davis

 Having honed his craft since 2002, Jimmy now stands as primus inter pares of the new sonic wave breaking on the nation’s consciousness. Never one to tow the party line, Jimmy has used the triumphs, torments, smiles and strifes that have characterised his life as tools to sculpt and shape him into the perfect person to lead Britain from its current slump

Around the start of 2007, a difference in party policy saw Jimmy defect from his original Force of Nature camp and redirect his attentions to setting up the UK HNIC Party. Having decided on this course of action, there followed six months of graft to which only the British working class could be accustomed. The resulting manifesto has truly emerged as a beacon of hope for people from all walks of life.

The manifesto became known as Belief / Passion / Commitment. Striking a chord with like minds louder than Big Ben’s toll, Jimmy was swiftly invited by The Peoples’ Republic of Nizlopi to open the conferences of their nationwide tour. People came from far and wide to hear his radical truths. Such was the originality of his expression that people found their feet moving in ways they’d never known. They sung Jimmy’s new national anthem with all their heart and awoke once again to the ways music connects us all.

The ways of old dictate that you cannot please all the people all of the time, but this Brummie Abraham Lincoln has come to shatter that mould. To some it is his perfect cuppa that appeals. To others, it is the honesty of Jimmy as a human being that single him out as the perfect candidate. Yet whatever one’s ideology, what is undeniable is that he has found that artistic holy grail – the ability to blend mass political appeal with policies of real substance. Never was a sound so capable of creating real change, whilst possessing such potential to soar up the opinion poll charts.

Despite facing an industry as tolerant of originality as a BNP member is of immigrants, Jimmy has won support for his campaign from movers and shakers as diverse Radio 1’s Huw Stephens, Myspace radio’s Alex Zane, legendary Hip Hop artist Blak Twang and Irish Folk Rock warrior Damien Dempsey Early news reports and exit polls already speak of his real leadership credentials and original vision for the future of our nation’s ears.

“A freshness to his lyrics...heavy beats, Davis could be a star in the making.”
Stratford Herald

“Peace and Climate change…I like where this kid is going and at least he has something important to say.”

"Music with a Message" is a phrase that gets worn easily, but Jimmy pulls it off, and in some style too”
Swindon Diary

“Witty and intelligent ... relentlessly upbeat. This balding, middle-aged, middle class feller enjoyed his set immensely.”
Portlyporpoise online

“A powerhouse poet that touches on issues of racism, social hierarchy and the environment … There is most certainly a market for this.”
Wigan Youth Publication

The 2008 / 2009 political campaign has seen Jimmy feature on national releases by Leamington chart toppers Nizlopi, Birmingham’s Sonny Jim, aswell as being included on the latest Rising Styles album compiled by DJ Excalibah.

For more info on Jimmy Davis the second city civilian move the mouse to here and CLICK .. Simples.