At  his Stanford University commencement speech, Steve Jobs, CEO and   co-founder of Apple and Pixar, urges us to pursue our dreams and see the   opportunities in life's setbacks -- including death itself.

The  once-and-again CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs has spearheaded a few of the   most iconic products in technology, entertainment and design.

Jobs' famous persuasive power is equalled by his creativity and business brilliance -- apparent in legendary hardware and software achievements  across three decades of work. The Macintosh computer, Pixar Animation  Studios (which produced Toy Story,  the first fully-3D-animated  feature film), the iPod, the iPhone, the  iPad (and who knows what's  next?) all owe credit to Jobs' leadership  and invention.

In  recent  years, Jobs has battled with a rare form of pancreatic cancer  -- adding  to an epic life story that mirrors the story of Apple itself:  ever the  underdog, ever the spectacular success.