David Despau is a Span­ish illus­tra­tor who worked ten years as a Cre­ative Direc­tor and Art Direc­tor at several inter­ac­tive agen­cies. After that he decided to start draw­ing. Many of his works fea­ture famous faces drawn in black & white and splashed with colour, gen­er­at­ing cap­ti­vat­ing and expres­sive images.

There are many ways to illustrate portraits and David Despau definitely knows how to add some dramatic touches and make them their own. David Despau is a Creative Director at Orbital BBDO in Spain and I was surprised to see no illustration credits or info considering he has an amazing collection of portraits and illustrations. But I did collect a few samples of his work as well as his great reel for you to check below.

Visit David’s site for more work www.despau.com


David Despau one of the most talented artists I have seen in quite a while, and his work is beyond inspirational. The second I saw these, I thought about @davidhoang‘s exclusive avatar art that we wrote about not too long ago. Mr. Despau might be one sharper though, and the pictures and videos he presents on his website are just pure beauty.

What especially caught my eye were his original takes on Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman. Those pieces are just mesmerizing to begin with. Once again, these are prints and could be put on any gallery wall. His celebrity artwork isn’t exactly bad either. As a matter of fact, it’s spot on. For an inspirational start to your day check out David Despau’s website and let yourself be impressed.


Visit David’s site for more work www.despau.com