Posted by Avant-Garde Online

Metsuki Boutique 

Greetings my Avant-gardeners....(the name is still a working progress) :s, But I'm here briefly to give both my male and female readers a little treat today..... 

As some of you may know...I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot recently with an amazing photographer called James Bastable....(look him up...he is pure talented behind the lens) .....Now obviously, to match an amazing photographer..I needed some amazing outfits..... that's where Metsuki Boutique came in....(props to Metsuki for lending me the clothes for the shoot)......Then I needed some hot models to keep my female readers happy........I'm proud to say was a job well done...!!! I'm going to husssh now and let the photos speak for themselves....:)....

All these clothes are available at the Metsuki Boutique in Birmingham and will soon be on their website which is currently under construction...(not so helpful..i know)...ohhh and before I run off..... the models I used in this shoot are also musicians...The hotties covered in tattoos go by the name of Karlo and Daniel Specta...and together they are 4T......also our third gorgeous model goes by the name Aaron AKA Don Piff Dpi... so be sure to check out their music... by clicking on their names..... :).....

That's it from moi....enjoy... and feel free to drop me a message on follow me on twitter @BlatantP 

